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There are 3 definitions of this word which are unconsciously equivocated:

1) Definition → (e.g. Water means a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid)

2) If... It follows that --→ (e.g. Clouds in the sky means rain)

3) Blissful Feeling → in which there is a temporal relation between two periods of time where the general condition of the later period has relatively improved over the older period ------→
(e.g. This experience was meaningful)

(e.g. Revisiting the darkest parts of my life was so meaningful to me)

(Length of the “→” represents the instantaneity of the effect)

1) e.g. Water means a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid.
2) e.g. Clouds in the sky means rain.
3) e.g. Revisiting the darkest parts of my life was so meaningful to me.

by sillybear123 September 25, 2016

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