Someone who has a 500pp play on Triumph and Regret
Triplez: "I just got a 500pp play on Triumph and Regret!"
Xtrasyrup: "Nice job, longfellow"
4👍 1👎
Someone who has an SS rank on the song Guinea Pig Bridge in Osu!
Radical: "Triplez did u get a new top play?"
Triplez: "Yeah I did, Choude, I SSed Guinea Pig Bridge"
Radical "Very nice job, longfellow!"
1👍 1👎
Someone who has an SS rank on Harumachi Clover (Will Stetson Cover) on Osu!
Radical: "Triplez did u get a new top play?"
Triplez: "Yeah I did, Choude, I SSed Harumachi Clover"
Radical "Very nice job, longstetson!"