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inheritors of the 60s hippie counterculture but also have received influences of recent new movements and subcultures such as punk (check out anarco-punk/peace punk), rave/psytrance, environmentalism, new age, rastafarianism, anticonsumerism/anticorporate movements, among others.

those most politically engaged as well as the sixties hippies tend to be on the libertarian left with a more pronounced green politics emphasis. neohippies of the nineties and 2000s have alingned themselves in causes and campaings related to the anti-globalization movements and in some places in antiglobalization events there will be small blocks of hippie or hippie looking protestors who tend to reactualize situationist and yippie and diggers political happenings.

now some tend to be mostly just about a way of dress and a certain sensibility while others who are more radical will practice more radical lifestyles engaging in doit youself practices and small community cooperative systems usually earning a living outside regular office/factory jobs with a tendency towards craftsmanship or the arts.

A passion for discovering new things and new people motivates many to backpacking (and sometimes by hitchhiking) and in some particular cases highly nomadic lifestyles. a continous daily living in this way gives neohippies many resorts and a lot of skills of surviving and having fun without too much or any compromise with consumer capitalism and bureaucracy.

usually with a relaxed attitute and a smile. open to encounters with most kinds of people, this doesnt necesarrily means not resorting to selfdefense or rejection of certain kinds of people (wealthy kids, yuppies, fascist skinheads, stupid agressive punks, police, army, among others) and in many times with friendships and lovers in some segments in similar subcultures and groups (nice punks, leftist and green activists, vagabonds, bohemians, artists, rastas, social centres and squatters activists, among others).
many tend towards a relationship with new age culture and practices or things like buddism or neochamanism, others emphasize more bohemian lifestyles (party, many friendships and lovers, artistic interests) and others radical political and lifestyle practice or all or some of these things.

nice punk girl: (looking with desire) you are nice
nice punk girl kisses with neohippie
neo-hippie: lets go to my place

and they go together kissing

stupid drunk punk: damn hippie i want to kick your ass
intelectual neo-hippie to a friend: hes just frustated because hes bored and im having fun. as nietzche says its pure ressentiment. anyway his friends are not so bad but i hope this idiot doesnt turn later into a fascist skinhead. he already acts like one.

nice punk: hey
neo-hippie: hi, do you have some pot?
nice punk: oh yeah lets go smoke a little, watch out for cops

rasta: jah keeps me happy and i love him and haile selassie jah rastafari
humanistic sceptic neohippie: oh thats nice, but although i love reggae music and i want revolutionary change i dont like emperors and monotheistic religions

bohemian: hey hippie how is it going
situationist neohippie: oh im just undergoing my daily psychogreographical stroll around the city, and you ร‚ยฟany nice event or something?
bohemian: im going to this poetry reading, afterwards these poet friends are going to have a party, wanna come?
neo-hippie: oh yeah lets go!

bohemian upper middle class girl: i wanna travel somewhere
nehippie: mmm what the hell lets go. let me try to get some cash in someway. are you good or confortable with hitchhiking?
bohemian girl: well, go do that,. i have enough money for the two of us
neohippie: oh thats good news.

bohemian upper middle class girl: i love you
neohippie: mmm, thats nice. i also like you but beware i dont have girlfriends/boyfriends. i love too many people and things and have many friends so i really cant focus my love on one single person. but the other day in a bookstore i was checking out these nice trantric sex positions if you know what i mean...
bohemian upper middle class girl: oh yeah
neohippie: sorry to leave you. im going to my drumming lessons. hopefully i can make or make my own djembe soon

(during an antiglobalization protest)
anarcho-situationist neohippie: hey dude, can i use your spray!
anarchist protestor: yeah go ahead, i hope its not pacifist crap though!
anarcho-situationist neohippie: oh not exactly
(anarcho-situationist neohippie writes on the wall "capitalism is boring! surrealist revolution now!")

by situacionista June 14, 2009

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