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Isle of Man

The Ass End Of Brittan. It is the worst place to live as everything is so goddamn expensive!! There is nothing for teenage population to do, apart from drink, drugs and get into trouble withs the ol' bill. Our Summer consists of 2 weeks in June. This is when we host the world famous TT races, this is the only time of the year we (as teenages) can actually do anything, which consists of drink, drugs, getting into trouble with the ol' bill and we have a fun fare!!! woopie.

Pleasetake my advice don't come here it would be a waste of your money!

It is more commonly refered to as 'The Rock' and most of the people I know cannot wait to get off this shithole!! This includes Myself!!!

I almost forgot there is like nowhere to skate. Which really suck being a boarder and all!! ¬¬

Manxy 1 - 'Hey Boy, when are you coming back to the rock? (Isle of Man)'

Manxy 2 (off island somewhere better) - 'Never'

Manxy 1 - ' Don't blame ya'

by skatehardordie February 16, 2011

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