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soccer is a sport in which two teams each with 11 players try to kick a ball (roughly the same size as a basket or net ball) between two goalposts. there are two sets of goal posts on each side of the field, one team is trying to kick the ball into one set, the other is doing the same into the other set. players can use any part of their body except their arms to score a goal. each goal, i.e. getting the ball through one set of goalposts, counts as one point. at the end of the match, the team with the highest amount of points wins.


1. soccer is a sissy sport.
i) well, more than half the people who say that are retarts who watch the sport on TV instead of getting off their asses and actually trying it out for themselves. so how would they know?
ii) soccer requires a very high amound of fitness, as there's only one 5 min. break in the whole 90 minute match, and players have to run practically the whole time especially if they are a midfielder or striker.
iii) soccer players only have protection on their calves. they can be knocked over, elbowed (this isnt strictly allowed but happens anyway), kneed, shoved, etc etc. soccer is definately a contact sport.

2. American football is way better.
i) well, sure, in american football they score more, but who cares? seriously!
ii) many people call soccer sissy. look at the wimps who play american football! they have protection covering their entire bodies, even their faces! "oh yeah, we're so tough, we have so much gear on us we practicly weigh twice as much as a rhino when weve got it on"
iii) they have breaks every 15 minutes or sumthing! oh yeah they run a little bit, but their so stuffed after that amount of time that the're sitting down with red faces and sweat running down their noses!

3. soccer requires no effort
i) 90 minute matches, you have to run most of that time, only one small break.
ii) you have to have SERIOUS skills. you have to be able to dribble the ball effectively, get past opponents, accurately pass the ball to team members, possibly shoot with, say, 3 defenders and the goalie trying to stop you, and GET IT IN. ok, so if this doesn't sound hard, TRY IT.
iii)in american football, they have to get past a line. oh, yeah, so hard eh? no wonder they score so much!

soccer is the best sport eva eva eva. EVA.

soccer is wayyyy better than american football. i've tryed both sports, guess what? i stayed with soccer.

try it. you'll be surprised.

by skysiie April 23, 2007

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