Source Code

Desktop graveyard

When you stack toilet paper neatly on your desk's top surface.

2: Clean up your desktop graveyard man, that's nasty.

by slacketstew December 8, 2019


The way "you" will poop in the future.

1: How was the poop today?
2: Vegetable Man.
3: Futurepoop.

by slacketstew October 18, 2019


Vaping during the day?

1: Where's your family?
2: They've been daping since the morning.

by slacketstew July 31, 2019

2👍 1👎


The Spanish language, the reason India broke up with Spanishspeaking.

1: ¡Hola!
2: Don't spit that pig latin at me.
1: That wasn't ig-pay atin-lay, that was Spanish!
2: Don't spit that wabbithuntingspeak at me.
1: That wasn't wabbithuntingspeak, that was Spanish!

by slacketstew November 11, 2019


When you shart your pants and remember that you should never, under any conditions, poop outside the house.

1: Fuark.
2: What?
1: I failt my pants, I need to go home immediately.

by slacketstew November 12, 2019

Temporal scavenger

Someone who wastes too much time on studying the personal histories of people they'll never meet to the point that it affects their existence.

Begone temporal scavenger dog, go lick someone else's clock floor!

by slacketstew October 22, 2019


Onomatopoeic sound when you gag revolted.

1: Geezus, that smell's revolting!
2: Excuse me sorry thank you.
1: The heck!

by slacketstew February 28, 2022