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Verb - To perform a menial or undesirable task with little hope of a positive outcome.

Noun - A amorphous gray porridge-like substance.

Verb - "Man, I slodged through that multidimensional astroquantum multivariable chemistry assignment last night, I'm really tired.

Noun - "That food in the dining hall looked like slodge, I'm still not sure what I ate."

by slackwarelinuxuser November 12, 2007

38👍 19👎

grey goo

A mass of world dominating self-reproducing nanobots. Grey goo common end-of-the-world scenario, where malfunctioning nanobots reproduce without inhibition, consuming any available raw materials.

Grey goo can also be used to describe any number of warm breakfast cereals, such as oatmeal, cream of wheat, or grits.

Man, when national labs release grey goo, I'm heading off to the mountains in Alaska before I get consumed alive.

by slackwarelinuxuser November 15, 2007

43👍 2👎