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menstrual gravy

the bloody discharge from a womans vagina during her menstual cycle

i prefer to eat my poonnanny without menstrual gravy

by slapphappyseven November 9, 2008

4👍 6👎

six-pack lesbian

a woman who claims she is straight and maybe even has a boyfriend, but sometimes gets drunk and has had sex with other women, and then if confrontend about their ambiguous sexuality claims that it doesn't count because they were drunk.

Joe:your girlfriend got drunk last night at the party and fucked my girlfriend. she's a lezzy!
Bob:she says she's not gay, she just does that sometimes when she's drunk.
Joe:yeah, well she's a six-pack lesbian

by slapphappyseven November 9, 2008

6👍 12👎

cooter biscuit

little balls of toilet paper hidden in the creases of a skanky girls vag, left over after wiping. sometimes goes with menstual gravy.

Bob: i went downtown on Suzy last night and got a mouthful of cooter biscuits.
Joe: gross! next time tell that nasty skank to wash her junk beforehand.

by slapphappyseven November 9, 2008

58👍 21👎

frog pussy

something that is extremely tight. so tight in fact that it is compared to a frog pussy which is completely water-tight.

Bob: did you see Willys new ride? that sh*t is tight!
Joe: yeah boy, that sh*t is tighter than frog pussy!

by slapphappyseven November 9, 2008

43👍 109👎