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Noun. An online journal using graphics, text, audio, and video applications to share ideas and experiences.

Make sure you check out my African safari xog to see the photos and videos I took.

by slegotoo November 8, 2010

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Noun. A phony accent.

Dude. That awful phaccent sounded more British than Austrailian.

by slegotoo November 8, 2010


Interjection. Used primarily in text messages to denote displeasure, disgust, or disapproval.

I just saw my ex bf kissing some skankҀ”grmph!

by slegotoo November 8, 2010


Noun. English spoken in the style of Star Wars character Yoda.

"A number three meal with a large drink will I have," I said in Yodish.

by slegotoo November 8, 2010


WTFFF?! is an abbreviation of the phrase "What The Fucking Fuck FUCK?!". Building on the tradition of other phrase abbreviations - such as WTF, WTH, ROTFL, and so on - WTFFF?! is used to express a highly elevated sense of angry, almost disbelieving astonishment and disgust at an idea, event, quote, or any other ridiculous, stupid, asinine, incredible, irresponsible, banal, incredulous thing.

"While reading the morning paper, I came across an article supporting the nomination of Dick Cheney for some kind of humanitarian award for his philanthropic work in the middle East. Gobsmacked, I actually had to read the article again to make sure those words were actually there - they were. And I was totally, like, how is Dick "My Name Really Is Dick" Cheney going to get a humanitarian ANYthing? Do they even know who he IS? And what he's DONE? WTFFF?!"

by slegotoo October 25, 2013

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A person who's so obviously ignorant, they seem to have been specially trained in it. Their views are so out-of-touch, they seem to be from outer space.

While I was on line for coffee, this iggynaut kept trying to explain to me why gay marriage would be the end of the world.

by slegotoo February 9, 2012


iggynaut |ih-gee-not|


A person so obviously aloof and out-of touch, they seem to have spent years in a government agency training to be ignorant; like an astronaut trains to go into space.

While I was on-line for coffee, this iggynaut kept trying to explain to me why gay marriage would be the end of the world.

by slegotoo March 13, 2012