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Shit in me mouth

A British expression regarding a moment or situation of grief - Used in scenarios when someone simply cannot comprehend

Doug: Oy bruv, my man is shacking me up with a broad, real peng one too. Problem is she’s a dyke.

Chris: A dyke? Shit in me mouth bruv. No sense in that.

I was hanging out curbside and a car drove by, splattering mud all over my rain jacket... shit in me mouth.

by slimalien March 15, 2020


when an individual is twisted to the fullest point of intoxication.

"Hey Pete, look over there."
"Those are some jisky ass hoes!"

"My family party last night had everybody jisky."

"Yo, what's up?"
"Nothing. Headed to the studio to get jisky with Juicy J."

by slimalien January 19, 2017