Source Code

Jesus Talk

A term to describe gossip.

"So much shit went down this weekend! I have soo much Jesus Talk!!"

by slothman81690 March 14, 2008

13👍 3👎


a code word used for alcohol

"Dude I wanna get krunk!! Let's get some pepsi!!"

by slothman81690 March 14, 2008

3👍 8👎


Another term used for mcdonalds, especially when ypur fucked up and McDonalds sounds really chron.

Dude, let's get a Hot and Spicy and McDonchrons!

by slothman81690 April 29, 2008

5👍 1👎


I code word used for weed.

"Let's go smoke some quesadilla!"

by slothman81690 March 14, 2008

25👍 41👎