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I'm totally shocked by the number of people who find it neccessary to critisize and make fun of cutters. Cutting is a seriuos issue and is no more worty of being made fun of than any other illnesses (down syndrome, diabetes, mental retardation). Cutting is often a sign of bigger issues that need immediate attention, such as depression, anxiety, dissociative disorders, ect. The strange thing about human psychology is that there are no set rules. Everyone is different and expresses themselves in their own way. You don't have to have the worste past in the world to be depressed. Depression is a chemical disorder in your brain that can be passed down geneticly. Just because your parents are rich or not divorced doesn't mean that you cannot have depression. In my experiances depression is triggered by life events that overwhelm the affected person. A death in the family may not bother some as much as it does others. There is no chart to say how sad you should be for each of lifes events, and no way of avoiding your genetic past. Also, the sterotype of mostly girls commiting SI is obsurd. Males are just as likely to SI as females. Maybe they dont seek help like females or do it in different ways (punching walls, knowingly doing dangerous things, ect.).

Athough I will admit that in the large numbers of people in the world it has to be true that some peope cut just for attention. These people can usually be uncovered by listening to them talk. Most cutters tell only the people closest to them (spouse, close friend ect.). Attention seekers would have to let almost everyone they know about thier actions in order to recieve the attention desired. Althought I'm sure there are people who are just tired of hiding thier actions, and decide that they don't care who finds out and judges them, but that doesn't mean they will advertise their affliction. It would become increasing difficult to hide the longer you cut since you will eventually run out of space on your commonly covered skin.

I had the perfect childhood, parents were supportive and married, but am still somehow unexplainably sad, bitter and my glass is half empty. Being a cutter helps releive my stress and anger.
My mom left when I was 3 and my dad beat me, but I adapted and overcame those obsitcles and am now a stronger person. I would never imagine harming myself.

by slyh20 April 2, 2006

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