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1. (noun) A complete asshole with no care for others feelings or well-being, especially when her name is Emily.

He'll talk behind your back whether he's your "friend" or not. Whether he acts like it or not, he doesn't care about you or anyone else but himself. He acts happy but is always miserable underneath, and he doesn't hide it too well.

Often hangs out with whores and sluts. Acts as if the people he talks to are even remotely decent/ without STDs.

NOTICE: He will claim his life is terrible and worthless. This is an attempt to win you over. His life isn't that bad.

Also, if he commits suicide after realizing how hated he is, it's okay not to care.


Damion: What did Hunter do now?

David: He spread rumors about everyone in the school. AGAIN.

Damion: What a dickbag.

Charlie: I know, right?

by smexygirl69 May 4, 2011

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