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to locate. to locate or find something or someone you tom-tom.

The old lady would never tom-tom me here. Man, you're lucky cause my old lady's got built-in tom-tom.

by snappy's February 5, 2008

73πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A good lookin blonde trophy wife. Derivation from John McCain.

Dude's got himself a mcmuff.
Man, just give me a weekend with a mcmuff like that.

by snappy's February 5, 2008

67πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

blue dress

fellatio, bj. Derivation: Monica Lewinsky

Sweetie, how bout a blue dress session?

by snappy's February 5, 2008

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


verb: to spy on someone else, usually with video. private dick.
noun: someone who spies on someone else using video.
Derivation: Bill Bellichik, coach of New England Patriots

Hey dude, better watch out the old lady don't bellicheat ya while you're over at the girlfriend's.
Gotta be careful cause the old lady's got a bellicheat on me.

by snappy's February 5, 2008

73πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

hershey kisses

dark, puffy nipples on a woman of color.

I've love to nibble on those Hershey kisses.

by snappy's February 2, 2008

68πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

for the people

commercialized phrase used by a person or business that is trying to get over on as many people as possible.

He sez he's "for the people" so he can get as many of them as possible into his stable.

by snappy's February 2, 2008

62πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


a wise ass, generally a nebbish male trying to get over with a humorous, but usually feeble attempt to make someone else the butt of the joke. Wisenhemiers are usually called out and decsribed as such.

youz a f'in wisenheimer and you're gonna end up wit yer dick in yer mouth.

by snappy's February 2, 2008

38πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž