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Drawn Together

A TV show on Comedy Central. The basic premise of it is it's a cartoon reality TV show. There's some potential with the show, but it's overall a piece of shit. All of the jokes deliberately use overexaggaration and offensive material (which isn't offensive, it's just stupid) to try and get a cheap laugh. People who like this show probably also like Carlos Mencia. People who like this show should be shot dead.

"Dude I just watched Drawn Together! IT'S EXCELLENT!"



by sno0ks November 13, 2006

62👍 236👎


The time at which an ingested substance is at its highest possible concentration in the bloodstream. Used colloquially in the context of recreational drugs, most commonly psychedelics. When peaking, a psychedelic trip is usually at its most intense/powerful. The nature and duration of a peak varies by drug, user, and mindset at the time of tripping. Contrary to what some may say, it is not a term specific to any one particular drug.

Tripper A: "Dude... I..."
Tripper B: "What, man?"
Tripper A: "I'm... it's... lattitude."
Tripper B: "He's peaking hard."

by sno0ks December 3, 2011

215👍 61👎


the biggest faggots on the internet

the moderators just banned me for returning someone's insult but didn't ban the other guy. what unbelievable fags they are.

by sno0ks September 11, 2023