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a lion is the second largest feline,next to the tiger, they live in africa in the savannah and some live in more wooded areas
Male lions are much larger than female lions but the female lions do all the hunting for that reason, male lions are to big and slow to catch anything besides something slow, and male lions who live in more wooded areas are more likley to hunt for themselves
there are often only 2 adult male lions in a pride and many females with cubs of either gender
lions r very defensive and protective of their prides and usually males will not tolerate outside males and the females will not tolerate outside females
male lions are expelled or leave on their own wen they mature
the new male leaders, after they "dethrone" the past leader, will often kill the remaining cubs

and there is my detailed definition :)

lion: i am king of the...well not jungle...savanah?
other animals: *wtf* alright then...=\

by snoww July 16, 2006

190👍 112👎

Lion King

by FAR the best Disney movie ever x3 especially becuase disney is making crappy movies now

and yes i know all the words to the songs and basically the whole movie...x3

simba: hey uncle scar guess wat?
scar: *mutters* i despise guessing games..

simba: hey scar when im king, what'll that make you?
scar: a monkeys uncle
simba: *laughs* ur so wierd
scar: u have nooo ideaa

Timon: what do u want me to do dress in drag and do the hula!?!

last one ;)
Pumbaa: as my good buddy timon always says, u gotta out ur behind in ur past...uhhhh
timon: no no no, amature, sit down b4 u hurt yourself..(now to simba)its you gotta put ur past, behind you....bad things happen and theres nothing u can do about it right?
simba: right..
timon: WRONG, when the world turns its bac on u, u turn ur bac on da world
simba: well thats not wat i was taught
timon: well maybe u need a new lesson....
*hakuna matata*

hehe x3 im not lion king obsessed wat R u talking about *shifty eyes*

by snoww July 16, 2006

402👍 427👎