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Rivetbitch plu. rivetbitches

commonly found in industrial clubs (uk), dancing like maniacs to EEVIL NOIZE,

stompy boots, part shaved head, stern look... beware, those bitches bite!

Lesser version EBM rivetbitch, who listen to EBM rather than noise and are generally better behaved ;)

she stomps like a rivetbitch

by snowwy October 11, 2004

24πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Rivet Bitch

see Rivetbitch plu. rivetbitches
Rivet bitch plu. rivet bitches

commonly found in industrial clubs (uk), dancing like maniacs to EEVIL NOIZE,

stompy boots, part shaved head, stern look... beware, those bitches bite!

Lesser version EBM rivet bitch, who listen to EBM rather than noise and are generally better behaved ;)

she loooks like a rivet bitch but she listens to EBM and future pop

by snowwy October 11, 2004

26πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The roflcopter and roflutilityvan serve the same purpose although unlike the roflcopter the roflutilityvan only visits 3rd world countries, the roflutilityvan can be identified by the distinctive bullet holes in its side and the word UN crossed out and replaced with ROFL.

Due to hostile conditions the roflutlityvan never stops but instead does drive by's in which it deploys gas grenades filled with laughter!

Child1: Omg its the roflutilityvan!
Child2: Omg are they wearing flak jackets?
Child1: Omg is that a bucket of sand!1!!!1!
ROFL Man1: Freeeze this is the rofl police!

by snowwy January 19, 2006


snowwy is purer than snow and more innocent than white

snowwy is a snoww wwhite character

by snowwy July 28, 2004

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a girl that is perfectly innocent

she is as pure as snowy

by snowwy January 29, 2004

21πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

rivetbitch - rivet bitch

Rivetbitch plu. rivetbitches

commonly found in industrial clubs (uk), dancing like maniacs to EEVIL NOIZE,

stompy boots, part shaved head, stern look... beware, those bitches bite!

Lesser version EBM rivetbitch, who listen to EBM rather than noise and are generally better behaved ;)

that girl is a real rivetbitch

by snowwy October 11, 2004

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Death Roll

A death roll is an activity best enjoyed by crocodiles. they death roll to kill there prey. can often be confused for a crocodile trying to scratch its back at australia zoo. the word Death roll is usually yelled by steve irwins wife when she sees this activity happening. most of the time it is actually a croc trying to scratch its back.

Watch out its death rolling!!
*asians taking photos*

by snowwy January 12, 2006

59πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž