Sucky Tan Ducky Doo is an insulting term which can be used by people to call others who are annoying, ugly and are "accoustic". This can be used to describe anyone that someone does not like.
This sucky tan ducky doo is so annoying! I wish I never had to see his disgusting face again.
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All Isaacs are extremely talented in many departments, including sports and academics. It describes someone with incredible intellegence as well as charisma, and can be used by one to praise another due to his incredible capabilities.
This Isaac is one of the brightest talents you can ever find!
Gayron is a term used to describe an extremely gay person and acts gay. This term can sometimes be used as a joke.
This gayron is going around and trying to seduce people! Please beware!
Aaron Sim describes someone who is extremely annoying and idiotic. This can be used to describe someone who someone finds annoying and wishes to insult him heavily.
This guy is such an aaron sim! No wonder everyone hates him!!!