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rowing (or crew) is one of the hardest sports there is. racing is pushing yourself to the absolute max and then pushing further. you can't take a quick break for a sip of water you can't take a breather no, you keep on going even if your legs feel like they are gonna fall of even if your blisters after are the size of bottle caps. you keep on going. other sports will tell you that rowing is calming and not that physical. ask those people have they ever had to take their hands back together. ask them if they have been hit in the face by an oar. ask those people have they pushed them selves so much that they throw up after their competitions. ask them do they wake up at half 4 to get to a bone breaking practice.

i guarantee that they will say no .

rowing is hard.

by someveryboredperson. July 3, 2022


tabs short for tabby. a tabs person is wonderful. she loves her friends with all her heart. most of the time she is full of happiness but on those occasional sad days you will be able to tell. she is ALWAYS up for doing the most stupid things. tabs loves the summer, tidiness and people close to her.

person 1: omg i can't wait to hang out with tabs.

person 2: your so lucky.

by someveryboredperson. June 27, 2022