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pete yorn

Pete Yorn is one of the greatest songwriters ever. You've probably heard "For Nancy ('Cause It Already Is)" or "Come Back Home" on the radio. His first album, musicforthemorningafter, is one of the greatest records ever made.

"PY rocks!"

by sonny-boy August 20, 2003

47👍 13👎

moorland fields

Moorland Fields is a band, they are better than the Beatles, Nirvana, Mettalica, U2, or any other band you can think of. They are even better than Wickle!!! MF ROCKS!!!

Dave Grohl: "moorland fields rocks!"
John Lennon: "moorland fields b shiz!"
Bono: "moorland fields is good music"
Tom Morello: "I luv moorland fields!"
Pete Yorn: "moorland fields. period."

by sonny-boy August 21, 2003


"Shrunk" is a drunken mispronounciation of "drunk".

"Yay! Martinis! Let's get shrunk on Martinis!"

by sonny-boy August 20, 2003

9👍 19👎