The one true connection between two people(souls) that transcends all other relationships. It is the meeting of minds, bodies and souls; in the physical realm the two become one unable to differentiate between one body and another, words are not necessary to communicate thoughts, love is expressed on such a deep level that it lies between the past, present and future, "for I will hold you in my soul forever, death shall never separate us". Finding your soulmate is very rare, holding onto it is phenomenal. I found my soulmate 36 years ago, traveled a path with a different man who financially might have been more suited to my younger future...talked to my soulmate every day for 36 years . Now at 56 as a widow I am living my life with the man that has always been my destiny (who waited 26 years for me), the one that makes me feel life is a rollercoaster....I fear not death, he will be with my soul for all eternity. Everyday is HEAVEN when you live it with your he says...not many people ever get to experience the kind of love we share. Agreed, God has kissed us with his very soul!
to know a soulmate
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