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As a verb:
The act of lying about something so meaningless, that it would have been better to just say nothing at all in the first place. After a bent action, the person will lose mass amounts of respect and gain mass amounts of trash talk behind their back.

As an adjective:
Used to describe a horrible lie, one that is obviously far from the truth. The statement usually contains so much stupidity, people hearing it will be shocked at how unnecessary it was.

Ginger - "I went to this party on my street last weekend with a couple buds. Saw some nice bunnies, wheeled n' porked a few, then went again the next day."
Twinkie - "Why the hell are you benting?"

Ginger - "Me and my buddies were just tagging down the street, I was half drunk and half high at the time, then these two big guys jumped me. They took everything I had on me."
MAD - "That story is ridiculously bent."

by specialists October 4, 2007

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