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pizza porn

Pornography whose premise is a pizza delivery. Typically served from internet based porn sites like Pornhub. A classic source for puns involving sausage and pepperoni.

The best part of Pizza Porn is when the delivery boy says "I have your pizza. And HERE'S your sausage!"

by spider_nole December 6, 2016

5👍 5👎

Dense Breast

A condition where breast tissue is composed of glands, ducts, and supporting tissue as opposed to fatty tissue. This type of tissue makes it difficult to read mammograms. It is normal for many women, but often means that mammograms need further testing.

Only a doctor should make the determination of dense breast due to the importance of properly reading mammograms.

The doctor asked for further mammogram testing due to dense breast tissue. But he said it is probably normal.

by spider_nole December 7, 2016