a pathetic fool who is all "busted" up...poor/dumb/lost..
"broke-ass" mo-fo, he's a "broke-ass", that "broke-ass" is confused, he's gotta a "broke-ass" car, wouldn't even consider listening to that "broke-ass" fool for advice
12π 22π
a pipe used to smoke "crack" cocaine. The pipe is usually crud in nature and can range from a re-configured pop can, glass pipes and of course any old solid metal material that may be lay'n about....
Oh Man!!! He was on that old "Hooker Pipe" the last 20 days smokin "crack" till he didn't know what to do with his'self
13π 11π
Derogatory. An idiot or an annoying person who has done somethng stupid or offensive.
He's an "arsepick".... What an "arsepick"
3π 2π
An unlikely occurrance of good fortune/luck; Very Lucky. Derived from Celtic or Scotish folklore when one is out walking in the wilderness or a remote area and happens to come across an outhouse when in dire neeed of defecating;
Shit-House Luck.
That bastard has Shit-House luck, He's got Shit-House luck, It was Shit-House luck to get out of that one, Shit-House luck prevailed, "Shit-House" luck happened that day
21π 8π
A form of a Pimp or another type of low-life predator that manipulates persons for personal gain.
That Whore Master was creep'n around here last night lookin' for free weed.
40π 19π
a shitty,decrepit and dirty old place where kick-backs from the 70's hang out and live.....
That dirty bastard must live in a hippie hut; Did you see that fuckin' dirty old hippie that crawled outta his hut;
9π 19π
a leader of a lesbian group or a self proclaimed female gay activist with no useful purpose other then self-promotion.
Last night at a local gay club the "Canoe Captain" led a fear-less group of lesbians in an effort to protest the existence of men.
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