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a big monster like Godzilla that is made from shit.

Is that Godzilla?

No its turdzilla, you don't smell him? You might need to get your nose checked..

by squirtmouth June 13, 2015

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a nigger wannabe

Your a white trash whigger wannabe a nigger.

by squirtmouth June 17, 2015

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a human with an excessively large or fat neck. a person with double chins & then more fat to add with that fat.

Wait until he moves his lard fatneck out of the way.

by squirtmouth September 16, 2015

shit nigger damn

Traditionally a southern phrase used to express grief.

Shit nigger damn, where's my ball point pen. I can't keep shit from loosing it.

by squirtmouth December 3, 2015

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spoiled turds

Dang, did you drop some dingelobes in the flower vase. Your living room smells like oldass spoiled turds..

by squirtmouth July 6, 2016


a lady/woman sandnigger

Hey man is that your girl?

Jim; Man I would make that sandniggerette my woman any day..

by squirtmouth July 27, 2016

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butthole neck

when a person has a zit in the middle of their neck that looks like a butthole

Come over here butthole neck.

by squirtmouth April 29, 2016