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I'm going to hell with gasoline drawers on.

noun-A phrase one exclaims about him or herself after saying or doing something naughty, but often the phrase is legit. Something a person with a concience would say.

OMG. I cannot believe she came out of the house wearing that hoochified outfit with her buttcheeks hanging out! That was mean for me to say though. I'm going to hell with gasoline drawers on.

by srae March 23, 2011

19👍 6👎

Tap dancing on my nutsack

A term used to describe how it feels for someone who is micromanaging or nitpicking about minimal details. To nag someone.

I wish she would act her wage and stop telling me this and that about every little thing! She needs to stop tap dancing on my nutsack!

by srae March 2, 2019