the emma kate is a spelid creature. with wavy golden hair and seafoam green eyes, she attracts all the boys. she is the sweetest of creatures, when she wants to be, and always has a smile upon her face. some people, such as myself, do not associate with her at school; she can be a little intimidating. she is the captain of the volleyball team and lacrosse team, and is very interested in animals. if you come across the emma kate, stay away if she is with her thousands of followers, but if you catch her alone, dont be afraid to stop and say hi!
boy #1: dude...
boy#2: holy crap
boy#1: is that...
boy#2: its a-
boy #1: its a emma kate!!
boy#2: go get her snap bro
Boomer's way of saying the letter W
Dub-ya Dub-ya Dub-ya dot old people dot com