Agonizing Butt-Hurt. A term used to describe people on social media who post vague comments to make other people wonder about their well-being to get attention; and/or make a great big deal about every insignificant event in their life to make people feel sorry for them; and/or make inappropriate comments to other people about life being unfair out of ignorance because they believe that life is "harder" for them. Can be used as A&B or A-B.
John: I saw that Ashley said that she had to make the most important decision of her life today, is she okay?
Adam: Yeah, she's just painting her room a different color, she's pulling an A&B (agonizing butt-hurt).
Lindsay: I got six teeth removed on Monday, it hurts like hell.
Jack: Yeah, when I got one tooth removed, I thought I was going to die.
Lindsay: Are you serious? Don't be an A&B (agonizing butt-hurt).
Don: My kid has to go to the hospital for regular physical therapy sessions every week after being in the hospital for 2 weeks, it's exhausting.
Alex: Yeah, tell me about it, I had to take my kid to the ER twice last year, AND I had to take him to the doctor to get shots. Ugh, parenting sucks.
Alex is pulling an agonizing butt-hurt move.
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