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State Park

A small town east of St.Louis, not to be mistaken for Collinsville, IL. It is a community made up of mostly whites and hispanics, most of whom are relatively violent. You can find drug dealers, gangbangers, thieves, crackheads, racists and everything in between. If your in State Park then you are lost or probably up to no good. Outsiders are rarely welcome and usually get jumped or robbed. In the rare case that an outsider is allowed to ride with the State Parkers he/she is either stealing for them, having sex with them or is just a stand up person. You dont want to catch yourself stuck in State Park not knowing anyone, plus the streets are ran by many packs of mix-breed dogs and they do bite. If the Hoosiers dont get you the mutts will. Many have tried to take them out an few have accomplished the task. So when you just want to kick your shoes off, have a cold one and have a trouble free day, you should probably not come to State Park.

Man, dont fuck with him, he's from State Park
No dont turn here, that way is State Park
Dude, I got jumped in State Park yesterday

by stateparker July 27, 2009

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