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being stoned and drunk all at one glorious moment

im so fucking stunk.

by steaksauce August 10, 2003

21👍 42👎


v. The act of eating a vagina in a "slushy" state.

I had to do a chomchure to clean up the mess I made before.

by steaksauce March 6, 2003


slidop -ing -ed
v. the growth of an unwanted testical in a person's nasal cavity

Damn man, my nose is slidoping.

by steaksauce March 6, 2003

1👍 1👎


The mispronounciation of banjo. Usually mispronounced by rednecks/hicks from the southern Alabama region.

Hey ma, i gots this banji for triee frogz. (yes, they somehow pronounce I in lowercase)

by steaksauce March 6, 2003

90👍 284👎