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1. under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, namely acid. Person is generally noticeably tripping hard, characterized by unintelligible speech, maniacal laughter, wide eyes, and any other noticeable "spazzing out".
2. A more palatable word for tripping.

Example 1
Friend 1: "This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively. But, if sweetness can win - and it can - then I'll still be here tomorrow, to high five you, yesterday, my friend. Peace"

Friend 2: "Cunt, you are beaming"

by steinlic January 16, 2014

101👍 41👎


1. Fully breaking through in a psychedelic trip.
2. "Getting lucid" refers to completely losing your mind, and giving in to the trip. Can get hectic, usually the cause for a bad trip or a mad trip

antonym of "getting mortal".

Friend 1: That kid has had 4 tabs, why is he not beaming?
Friend 2: Don't worry, he's going to get lucid soon, i think that was 25i-nbome.

(Friend 2 returns wide-eyed, clutching chest, heart racing)
Friend 1: Where have you been? Are you ok?
Friend 2: Sorry bro, I was sitting under a tree. I got fucking lucid.

by steinlic January 16, 2014

50👍 20👎


n. (ren-i-gayd)
1. a person who performs reckless activities, often with complete disregard for the considerations of others.
2. About 10x reckless.

Example 1
Friend 1: "Look at that reckless cunt over there with a machete."
Friend 2: "Stay back, he looks like a renegade, might be hostile"

Example 2
Person 1: "Why are your pupils so wide?"
Renegade: "I'm fucking beaming, cunt."

by steinlic January 16, 2014

107👍 56👎