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ecstacy pill, coined after revelations that Andrew "joey" John's had been caught in possession of an ecstacy pill in London.

"hey man, you gettin on the joey's tonight or what"

by storkman January 15, 2008

27πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

the grill

A type of spew associated with excessive consumption of alcohol. The grill usually takes place when a person is on public transport, at work or somewhere where there is no immediate place to let go of their guts. The grill occurs when an individual has the sudden need to spew but are in such a place where it is simply not socially acceptable and can lead to a great deal of embarrassment and a pretty violent stench. When the grill is properly performed you'll see the individual try to hold in their spew by tightly grasping their mouth with their hands creating the grill like effect as vomit explodes between their fingers to project at arguably a greater distance and with more speed than a regular everyday kind of chunder. This can lead to the kind of projectile vomiting that can come down like buckets of rain onto the unsuspecting bodies of members of the public.

The Grill: "I was on the bus yesterday and this bloke was convulsing, i knew what was going to happen, he shouldve just hidden behind the seat and let go of his guts in the corner but instead he attempted to run out of the bus holding his mouth in typical "grill" fashion, the outcome was horrendous, yet quite amusing"

by storkman January 16, 2008

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

grog bog

A steaming turd produced by a hard night on the cans and curry or kebabs. Grog bogs occur the day after any given night where alcohol has been consumed to excessive levels. It is a foul, black, hot, sticky and large poo or series of poo's that are an essential part of the body's detox process

"hey mate, i let fly a couple of grog bogs at work this morning, man they were violent, i'm glad i got all that seedy $7 oxford street curry and those 23 schooners out of my system, im as right as rain now"

by storkman January 15, 2008

173πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

clempton park scene

A music scene that emerged out of the Clempton Park area of inner south-western sydney in mid 2007. The scene is known for its aesthetical qualities among other things. DJ's tend to play naked to no audience in order to attain a sense of spiritual enlightenment through long solitary hours dancing naked to hard dance music. It was developed and coined by DJ EQ.

Clempton Park Scene DJ - "hey man I'm gunna be dj'ing in my room tonight, and no you can't come over because its a solitary journey of spiritual enlightenment one can only attain whilst one is confined to ones own presence and the energy of the music that he can whole heartedly focus on and thus connect with"

by storkman January 15, 2008

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A game played whereby one person puts their hands down their pants, fondles their cock and then proceeds to rub their hand onto an unsuspecting persons face.

1. "I was walking to the kitchen yesterday and Sebastian jumped out from behind the wall and got me square in the face, what a fag"

2. "Cockhands!"

by storkman January 16, 2008

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Another, more prestigious word for slutrag used by upper class sluts.

"hey chantelle can i use your slutrag?"

"its actually a slapperchief thanks amanda, that was so demeaning, im not just any old slut you know, im a cremorne slut, a mosman slag and a north shore whorebag!"

by storkman February 29, 2008


Lad: An australian youth subculture centred around individuals who hang out in gangs, engage in petty theft, pick fights, vandalise property and use foul language which generally involves a great deal of pig latin. Hence the terms "adlay" and "eshays". Lads generally wear white caps tilted up at the front to show the front part of their hair which is often gelled. The strap of the cap is done up tight at the back and the possibility of a rats tails or other such hair style dangling out the back is common. They can be seen wearing white polo shirts, or polo shirts of other colours with short shorts (striped parachute/tracksuit pants in winter) and trainers. They sport brands such as Nautica, Saucony, Nike and Everlast and in addition to this wear ridiculously small bags usually scrawled with graffiti. 'Lads' are now commonplace is many areas of Sydney including but not limited to the inner west, outer west, north west, south and south-west. 'Lads' can be found in most high schools throughout the Sydney metropolitan area, they have a gang mentality which enables them to gain physical superiority over other groups and subcultures and are disliked by the general population. They can often be seen hanging around train stations and shopping centres or just roaming the streets in search of trouble. Lads are generally into rave music and in particular hardstyles such as gabber. They also engage in tagging as graffiti is a large part of the subculture. Lad girls wear similar clothing and often have their hair gelled and tied back tightly, giving it a shiny, sleek and some might say greasy quality.

Lad: "Lets catch the 492 from Burwood to Drummoyne adlay, we'll pick some fights with little kids when we get there"

by storkman November 6, 2007

1052πŸ‘ 441πŸ‘Ž