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bun sliding

Common in Utah and Idaho, a sex act which consists of the male sliding his penis between his girl’s butt cheeks without penetrating her vagina or anus.

Rita: Dude, no more bun sliding, stick it in.

Dude: I don’t do premarital sex.

by stuartc1 October 28, 2021


When you go on a self imposed quarantine with several bottles of tequila

Me: Where’s Jane? She hasn’t been at work all week.
Her: She got a virus in Mexico and is at home on a Tequarantine

by stuartc1 March 13, 2020


The age before Donald Trump when the earth had a habitable environment and a free press

Me: What is a polar ice cap?
Him: In Pretrumpian times, before the EPA was abolished we had frozen areas on the north and south poles which helped cool the planet

by stuartc1 February 18, 2017

3👍 1👎


When something bad is going to happen and everyone knows it but the probable victims are unwilling to do anything about it.

Will: I went to Dad’s house today, he’s going to break his neck going down those stairs to his office.

Frank: Why doesn’t he move his office upstairs?
Stuart: Too late, it’s predisastered.

by stuartc1 November 30, 2020

Scum Hero

Someone who is typically a dirt bag but suddenly redeems his or herself

Me: Did you read Anthony Scaramucci’s new interview in Vanity Fair slamming Trump?
Her: Yeah, he’s my scum hero

by stuartc1 August 20, 2019


throwing yourself under a the bus

Him: Did you see Pompeo on FOX this morning? WTF was he doing?
Her: He self-bussed

by stuartc1 October 6, 2019


A Trump supporter who gets Covid at a campaign rally.

Him: What’s wrong with Jim?
Her: Went to the Trump a rally in Wisconsin, he’s a Trovid now.

by stuartc1 October 31, 2020