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When Donald Trump sticks his head up his own ass to come up with a new Executive Order

Me: We're banning people from Muslim countries? Why?
Him: The President just preformed a Trumponoscopy on himself

by stuartc1 January 31, 2017

7👍 2👎

Getting Hoped

When you have that one friend who comments on every FB or Instagram post about having been there or done that already.

Her: Wow, that pic of you in the secret toilet of the Taj Mahal is awesome.

Him: Yeah but I’m Getting Hoped, she says she was there 10 years ago.

by stuartc1 June 17, 2020


To give your opinion on something in a loud and annoying way without bothering to have any facts

Guy 1: Barak Obama was born in Kenya!
Guy 2: Why do you always have to pontrumpicate like that?

by stuartc1 October 25, 2016

4👍 1👎


One of two types of people who have Twitter accounts to follow Trump either because they love him or hate him.

What will all the Twimpers do now that Twitter killed Trump’s account?

by stuartc1 January 12, 2021


Someone who is showing you something using their index finger and keeps at it way too long.

Stuart: (Pointing out the window) Oh my GOSH! Look at that cow! It's lying down, must be gonna rain!
Tracy: I see it, stop being an overpointer.

by stuartc1 December 1, 2017

Get The Shot

Originally a great line from Pulp Fiction when Mia OD's on Vince's smack, now a rallying cry for the Center for Disease Control.

You really want to save humanity? Get the shot!

by stuartc1 January 13, 2022

Don’t dick on me

Do not disrespect my shit

Ron: You don’t know what you’re talking about, babe
Kat: Don’t dick on me

by stuartc1 July 26, 2021