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1. White angelo-saxon
2. A stereotype placed on teens in America. A prep is usually a white, privlaged kid or teenager. They will usually wear AmberCrombie, American Eagle and Hollister clothes and spit on anyone who wears stuff from a different store. They will believe they're the sexiest thing sence sex because they wear this stuff even if theyre fat and homely-looking. If they are boys, they usually get a Pete Wents hair-do and if theyre a girl they usually spend hours upon hours fixing their hair. Stereotyically, they will not accept anyone who isn't attravctive(even if they're not attractive themselves) or rich(even if they're only middle-class.) They usually have very flirtatious habits and will have sex with almost anyone in the "popular clique." They don't care if they look like a whore, because being a whore is "like totally kewl." They are also usually in sports at school(football for males, cheerleading for females) this would tie them in with the "jock" clique. On Myspace, girls usually have albums of 200-300 pictures of just themselves, usually with very lowcut shirts because they think they have a nice rack; they dress in AmberCrombie clothing even if it is 10 sizes too small on them. Whether they be male or female, a preppy kid will usually think everyone at school wants to be their friends or BF/GF, thats just how highly they think of themselves. However, on the contrary most of the school actually hates their guts and thinks they're complete douchebags for having such an undeserved sence of accomplishment just because their parents happen to have more money than other peoples parents. The girls usually idolize Paris Hilton and think the only reason people don't like Paris is because shes rich and skinny; well preppy girls, if that where the case then why don't those same people have a problem with other rich, skinny girls? Their only friends are other preps who usually end up abandoning them after they grow out of the prep fad and relize the world isn't going to kiss their ass and serve them happiness on a silver platter because they go by some lable. They also have extremely ugly kids as stalkers, usually wannabe preps or social retards who are trying to be just like them.

preps thoughts at school: im so sexy, all of these girls wanna fuck me and all these guys wanna be just like me

everyone else: damn that dudes such a douche

by stupid_people_make_the_world_go_die June 9, 2008

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