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A ship that consists of two characters from the TV show Teen Wolf, Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin. It has been hinted at since the pilot episode, with many glances, actions, and lines, and ONE KISS. Many more fans ship this than the actual canon ships like Stalia and Marrish. It's also worth noting that Stiles has had a crush on Lydia since the 3rd grade. Honestly, it's only a matter of time before the writers finally cave in to the pressure. (Contrary to Anti-Stydia, Pro-Stalia or Marrish propaganda, not all of us Stydia shippers are so-called "stydiots" and do not necessarily hate you all personally.)

Fan 1: OMG did you see the new episode of Teen Wolf?
Fan 2: Yes! There was so much Stydia tension!
Fan 1: Stydia needs to be endgame this season or else I will stop watching.

by stydaisendgame January 29, 2016

76👍 133👎