Source Code

not straight

anyone whom isn't 100% straight

I'm not straight, why we need to prove our sexuality when you straight people don't?

by suck_my_d33 June 29, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


what snowflake straights try to steal from the ace community

You aren't sapiosexual, straight guy/gal.

by suck_my_d33 June 15, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


movement of idiocy since a guy couldn't get any pussy

Incel: Fuck that bitch, I'm gonna join the alt-right 2nite.

by suck_my_d33 June 28, 2021

35πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

sexual & gender minority

inclusive of anything CONSENSUAL that ISN'T:
Rape is rape.

Pedophiles and zoophiles NOT. Why would you even associate sexual & gender minority with RAPE?

by suck_my_d33 July 12, 2021


ENBY who is a demi-lesbian

She's a lesbian, not a theysbian smh.

by suck_my_d33 June 15, 2021

Makoto Itou

Anime's definition of a fuckboi

Teen: I hate fuckbois, I'm watching Anime.
Friend: Even Anime has this guy named Makoto Itou.

by suck_my_d33 June 29, 2021


anyone born w/ sexual characteristics of neither male nor female; NOT a defect

Intersex aren't LGBT, they have their own community. Nonetheless, deserves as much rights as other people do.

by suck_my_d33 June 29, 2021

27πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž