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Samuel is a name, its origin are from ancient Greek and Macedonia. The ancient spelling of Samuel is Samoil.

In the bible Samuel is a profit and his name roughly translates as 'He Who Listens' this is one of the namy names of Jehovah and so it can also be interchangeable with the meaning 'Name Of God'. There are many hundreds of names still in use that in ancient languages have the actual name of god in thier name and many more that can translate in another name of God. So its not exactly uncommon.

Another name of Samuel is Sammael the prince of demons, his name is interchangeable with Satan. He resides in the 7th heaven (domain of unborn souls) this is a Saturday. The angel of death. Seducer of Eve. Also described as 'God Severity'. Literally translated as 'Sam' meaning poison and 'el' meaning angel. He has also been regarded as good and evil 'as one of the greatest and one of the foulest spirits operating in heaven, on earth, and in hell'. Angels can be quite ambiguous.

In occult Sammael is one of the seven fallen angels used in communicating with various evil forces. This would either place him as a ruler of one of the days of the week or as an arch angel that rules above rules many millions of angels. There's no official hierarchy in fallen angels and none of them seem to be official formal rulers of anything. His good angel equivalent would be Cassiel, This final paragraph has been based on the occult rather than traditional angelic scripture.

Oh did you know the actual historical meanings of the name Samuel, because I do They go like this BLAH BLAH BLAH etc.

by sudonameunguessable March 11, 2017

12👍 7👎


A leghumper is a person with almost no personality usually due to them having socially awkward ideas about the the world. The individual will latch onto your life even in unwanted scenarios and can appear to remain in your life for a considerable length of time even after having being excluded from your life, which is where the term originates.

Some times they even manage to latch on in what seems like only very brief encounters. A good example of a leghumper in action would be meeting a person who then decides that they have an arrangement for you in their life and wish to befriend you, constant texting phone calls and nocking on the door ensue all to no avail. after the grace period is over and the said person has crawled back under which ever rock they crawled out of and that persons is no longer in your life you wish to move on to bigger better brighter things.

A leghumper is somebody who has taken unwanted persistent harassment and turned it into a form of social conduct.

Thinking "I hope this guy doesn't try to leghump me because I was friendly, maybe i can introduce him to somebody else"
"I had to change my number and throw away my sim card this guys a real leghumper"

by sudonameunguessable June 18, 2015


1. A person with low intelligence.

2. The badass from most hell raiser movies.

3. A derogatory nickname for person who you have a strong dislike to.

4. A derogatory nickname for someone with a very tiny head.

1. 'You think it's ok to steal from your friends you pinhead?'
2. 'I have such sights to show you - Pinhead, Hellraiser movie'
3. 'Ok Pinhead. I don't like you but you make a fair point'
4. 'Your head is very tiny from now i will call you Pinhead.'

by sudonameunguessable April 5, 2016