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a tall and lengthy humanoid who indefinitely resembles a beaver. completely useless toward the development of society. a nickname for "stephen".

mykayla: so natalie, i heard your into beavers.

natalie: oh you mean stem-tar? yea hes pretty scrumdidillyumtious.

mykayla: hokay, you keep telling yourself that.

by sugarlesshigh November 12, 2010

5👍 2👎

kinky torpedo

1. an electric rod that converts salt to chlorine, then back to salt in a hot tub.

2. a device used for sexual pleasure either anally or vaginally, usually in a wet setting, such as pool, pond, shower, sewage pipes, etc. it omits electrical light and currents and sensual chemicals that leave a lasting impression on your genitals. :)

3. in relativity to definition 2, anything one shoves up another's ass, or any sort of dildo. "kinky torpedo" just sounds better.

1. daughter: hey, mom, you better check the spa, our kinky torpedo's on the fritz again.

2. girl#1: so i was with kyle and we were taking a bath together, and suddenly he puts his hand over my eyes and is all, "baby, i got us a gift." then, i feel this buzzing sensation near my kooch, and i open my eyes to the most amazing tingly feeling and see that hes using a kinky torpedo on me!

girl#2: OMG was it weird?!

girl#1: it was AWESOME!!! girl#2, you've GOT to try it.

3. gay man: ooo i love them kinky torpedo's. ;)

by sugarlesshigh January 2, 2011

6👍 1👎


the slightly evolved ancestor of a rare screeching monkey: has poor motor skills and short term memory. slightly less hairy than the average primate.

a kay-tar often exemplifies bad judgement and does NOT make good choices.

is well known for dumbass remarks and meek understanding or jokes, unless they directly include the word "penis", or any other form or genitalia.

uses monkey-like reflexes to promptly hit balls that may be flying at her face. (most often volleyballs)

so, basically, generally amazing and beautiful. :)


clara: KAY-TAR YOU FUCKING BABOON! get your hairy ass over here!

kay-tar: haha...wait what?

clara: ooooh my lordie.

carrie: make good choices!

kay-tar: i wont! :)

clara: so, dickfuck, whats faster than a speeding bullet?

dickfuck: idk, what?

clara: a jew with a coupon.


kay-tar:.........haha.......i dont get it.

clara: kay-tar...just go hit some balls or something.

kay-tar: hahahahaha balls....(:

by sugarlesshigh December 13, 2010