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Rated HS - For Safi and Hamad

A Safi is a dumbass that broke his femur and is the joke of the group because all his friends make fun of him
A Hamad is a tall gay dude that’s scared of dogs and got depressed because Ronaldo left Real Madrid
Rated HS means it’s both a Hamad and Safi friendly so the stupidest of people may understand it

Person 1: yo you’re in advanced functions?
Person 2: yeah I saw it was rated HS - For Safi and Hamad, so ik even I can’t fail it

Person 1: did you watched toy story yet?
Person 2: dude it was rated HS, I had to

by suhhhar October 20, 2019

7👍 1👎

Party Hardy MV

the combination of party hardy (the group chat of the mother planning parties) and aimigos of the DMV (the group chat of fathers sending brown people memes) however the D is gone because none of us are in the D

this is the elite chat with the best of both worlds ...

Example 1: “yo u wanna get together with the group soon”

“yea run it up in party hardy MV”
Example 2: “bruhhh check out the tik tok they sent in party hardy MV”

by suhhhar December 31, 2022

1👍 3👎