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Murraylands Christian College, the most un-christian school this side of the southern hemostphere. we reside in Strathalbyn in South Australia, and also Murray Bridge, the epicenter of stabbings and shootings.
no matter what EFS may tell you, we are awsome. and jsut becuase we don't have to bring guns to school or buy wed of the internet to be cool, doesn't mean we ain't have no fun....

an interaction between Eastern FLeurio HIgh School kid when meeting MCC kid outside Woolworths (the only good place to go in Strath).
EFS kid: "hey, you, you go to that weiner ass MCC, don't ya?"
MCC kid: "suck my dick, loser."
*EFS kid left standing there, offended by the awsome words of the MCC kid*

by sulfur_to_be_poured_on_haters July 15, 2011

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