The period during the first 10 years of the 21st Century when the United States and Western Europe experienced severe financial mismanagement, executed dubious Middle East military expeditions, and purchased goods from foreign countries with unbounded borrowed money.
"The Great Squandering focus on terrorism was sleight-of-hand distraction away from the economic threat of China. We've been fooled. And as long as American's continue to bask in the luxury of fighting against each other, there's an increasing probability that our great-grandchildren will be speaking Chinglish."
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Members of the demographic group participating in the Tea Party movement.
The teapees held a large rally at the Washington Mall on the anniversary of MLK's "I have a dream" speech.
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A political philosophy whereby the theoretical outcomes of untested government minimization and austerity, combined with Laissez-faire economic policy, are preferable to the existing domestic state of order. Has underpinned the "Tea Party" political movement.
The summation of radical governmental and economic demands by the political aspirants of the Tea Party movement amount to the acceptance of a new political philosophy, "Chaosism".
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Fomenting unwarranted division of one part of society against another part of the same society.
In order to effect its desired societal change, the foreign-owned media company engaged in a clandestine effort of cultural terrorism.
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Either a union or non-union employee who crosses the imagÂiÂnary picket line and votes for a politÂiÂcal party proÂmotÂing job related poliÂcies conÂtrary to the employeeâs perÂsonal finanÂcial interÂests. ComÂmonly assoÂciÂated with blusÂterÂing, expresÂsions of faux-patriotism, and numerÂous other quesÂtionÂable perÂsonÂalÂity characteristics.
The airline captain is a political scab, more interested in voting for gun, security, and military policies than voting for the political party that will further his own labor contract provisions.
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One who adheres to the political theory of Chaosism. In the current political climate, these are generally Tea Party activists.
Those chaosists are far more willing to make a commitment on completely untested economic solutions than they are to think through the implications of their proposed actions.
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