Jack of All Stats is a Standard Character Type in videogames.
The Jack of All Stats is defined by its lack of weaknesses or strengths. It's greatest strength is a lack of weaknesses, but it's greatest weakness is a lack of strengths.
In terms of game balancing, a Jack of All Stats character is pretty good at everything, but it is sub-par when compared to characters that specialize.
If the Jack of All Stats is next to worthless compared to specialized characters, it is instead known as a Master of None.
If the Jack of All Stats is much more powerful than the specialized characters, it is instead known as a Master of All.
"What build you running?"
"I like being good at everything. I'll run a Jack of All Stats."
"Yeah, sure. Have fun being master of none!"
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A mighty glacier is one of the Standard Character Classes. These stat builds focus entirely on attack and defense. They hit really hard, and can take tons of hits, but they are slow and easy to hit. Characters that usually take this role are Warriors and fight almost exclusively in close quarters.
The best way to deal with these builds is to either attack from a range that they cannot hit you, or to evade their attacks.
More commonly known as a Tank, although tanks are typically faster.
"You'll never beat me! I can kill you in 1 hit!"
"ugh... another mighty glacier? I'll switch to ranged then... Good luck getting to me before I kill you."
Competitive balance is a concept used for good game making in multiplayer, player versus player games where different characters have different stats.
Basically, no single character type will be better than the other character types.
So if the character types are warrior, archer, and mage, a game that maintains competitive balance will have archers beat mages, mages beat warriors, and warriors beat archers for example.
Note that this is a generalized concept. An archer could theoretically beat a warrior in a fight in the above example, but generally, warriors will have the advantage over archers.
Also known as Elemental Rock Paper Scissors when elements are involved.
*Playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl*
"So who are you gonna be?"
"I like Meta Knight. I'm gonna be him."
"Are you crazy? He breaks competitive balance he's so over powered!"
These are typical stat builds and/or fighting styles for characters in videogames.
They are Mighty Glacier, Glass Cannon, Fragile Speedster, and Jack of All Stats
Keep in mind that these are types that are used because they maintain competitive balance.
Dude what were the standard character classes again?
Mighty Glacier, Glass Cannon, Fragile Speedster, and Jack of All Stats man.
I need to remember that better. Thanks dude.