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road wrath

A stage beyond road rage on the road. Road wrath is where you lose all sense in the brain and drive want to kill everyone on the road(including the drivers self) out of being a mentally ill retarded man-child that thinks he/she never has enough so they must destroy everything in their pathway. These drivers typically drive well maintained and close to the current year to date's generation of cars.

Road Wrath is the final stage in an incompetents driver's mind that makes them 100% and kamikaze everything in their general direction. If ever encountered by a person that has resorted to road wrath, find the nearest way out in order to stay safe.

by superbipolar420 January 6, 2017

Cuntface Von Clownstick

The actual birth name of Fuckface Von Clownstick's(aka Donald Trump) egotistical daughter aka Ivanka Trump.

The fuhrer's daughter Cuntface Von Clownstick is a major twat just like her father.

by superbipolar420 January 22, 2017

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troll battles

A term used to describe two trolls going at it on a social media website until one is humiliated and defeated in an argument or a debate. It consists of two troll trying to prove a point by using unorthodox speech in the conversation that defies any chivalrous respect from each other, and sometimes even other people involved in it as well.

Troll battles spawn from condescending comments used by the first troll to engage the fight. The battle commences where in the argument there are no rules that apply on how you can attack with words. When loser trolls knows he has been shamed, he usually does not admit it but flees like a turkey leaving the troll who dealt the final blow the victor.

by superbipolar420 September 14, 2015


Semi-Social is someone who socializes in any setting with those only that have common knowledge to that person and remains anti-social to uncommon people that they have no attraction to. Someone who is semi-social is wise with their pick of friends because they examine the person to see if they are friend or foe.

The semi-social man went in public, ignored the annoying simpletons, and engaged in a conversation with a couple of eccentric free thinkers.

by superbipolar420 May 25, 2016

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A type of vegetarian that eats insects like the pescatarians which is a type of vegetarian that eats fish.

Insectatarians eat a wide variety of different ant species along with eating plants and drinking dairy.

by superbipolar420 September 13, 2016


Killing someone for a cause to end all the horrible suffering throughout a community, region or the world. Particularly murderdom is done on tyrants and bigots who abuse power.

Me: We have to commit murderdom on Donald Trump in order to save the world from total annihilation. He is an evil ruthless dictator that will stop at nothing to destroy the world.

by superbipolar420 March 5, 2016

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The Urban language of the semetic race. Jewbonics involves using Hebrew and Yiddish slang such as Oy vey!, chutzpah, schmuck, mishiginah, or any other slang words that belong to the Jews. They would use Jewbonics when having a normal conversation, arguing, debating, etc.

Jewbonics the urban slang language of the Urban Jews. You can typically see butchers, bakers, lawyers, or any other Jewish man speaking in Jewbonics.

by superbipolar420 October 17, 2016