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When someone pees on you. Hopefully a baby, because if not... well, thats just kinky.

Person 1: "Dude, I heard you got lemonaded on by your baby while you were changing his diapers!"
Person 2: "Can you not say that out loud? People are watching..."

by superherosonic1 November 13, 2020


A cringy discord server made by animator Pixelcraftian to discuss videos and roleplay. People could submit their kirby OC's to be in jis videos. He does stupid Mario Calamity animations now.

"dude remember that one dude from pixaria??"
"yeah he was so Cringe."

by superherosonic1 November 8, 2020


A commonly made fun of operating system that everyone says poor people own. Most other high-end phones however these phones have had many things iPhone just added now. Androids can be very high quality phones at times and people with iphone's are too lazy to realise this.

P1: I just got an Android}!
P2: Bruh you're so poor.
P1: No I'm not bruh I paid tons of money for this.

by superherosonic1 January 27, 2020

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