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scene kids usually go to most of the local shows. they wear tight pants(guys&&girls), heavy makeup, tight little boy and little girl clothing. they shop at thrift stores. sometimes wearing an ascot/bandana. they listen to certain types of music(hardcore, grungecore, indie, rock, screamo, ect. only listing a few). some have peircings and tattoos. and their against rap music. but they enjoy listening to it. and talking like "gangsters". they say fo sho.they cuss a lot. some say 'bang bang guns go bang' and are in groups on myspace.com that have scene titles(murderxscene, bangbang, ect., ect.) they mosh. if you don't have a myspace and call yourself 'scene', be ashamed. because its against the 'rules' not to have a myspace and be scene at the same time. scene kid's myspaces usually are very small and tiny. have a long list of bands some they don't even like or listen to. they have a bagillion gazillion friends aand have 10+ comment on their pictures. and they take billions of pictures of themselves. and have messed up hair and dye their hair billions of different colors. usually add z's to their writing. 'whore' a lot of people. and write things like, omgzzz, lolzz, like,whoah. thats the sexx

omgzzz.. im so scene wiff meh choppy hair. and my tight pants and meh new digital camera.

im helluv cool. i go to all the shows

by suppjessica January 8, 2006

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