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Suck my dick

Hello I’m looking for a Mr. Mydirk… a Surk Mydirk? Surkmydirk

by surkmydirk March 6, 2022


Most certainly 💯 heroin

Does he got any D?


D you schmuck, Dope… Heron!!

by surkmydirk March 6, 2022


A derogatory term for a homosexual person (usually a man). It’s an acronym for Bundle of Sticks which is the denotation definition of the word ‘faggot’

Ricky: You guys want to goto Club Beef tonight? John: No way I’m going to Beef - that’s a BoS club dude…
Ricky: Bruhh I had no idea you were such a homophobe – I don’t think we can be friends anymore man… bad form, dude!

by surkmydirk December 14, 2021


Combo of buffoon and poof

George from GRINDR asks me out to dinner and drinks and then asks me to pay him back, whatta strait up poofoon

by surkmydirk March 6, 2022


A combination of the term ‘poor’ & ‘buffoon’ to create the pejorative: Puffoon/pafoon/poofoon

I got a call from somebody claiming to be from my bank to collect my social security number and account details – I told him he’s wasting his time and to try a better scam with a less intelligent poofoon next time!

by surkmydirk March 6, 2022


annunciation of ‘DVD’ popularized by the fonejacker

I need doovde player… you know It replaced the vercers , the thing that plays vehers

by surkmydirk March 6, 2022



Last night my wife let me do aynil

by surkmydirk March 6, 2022