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cock hunter

A girl who is always looking for cock...
In some ways, 'makes out' with random guys frequently
or just chases boys, in some cases they are scared of her.
Would always choose boys over friends..
Also known as a Harriet.

Amelia is over there cockhunting with all the Uni guys.. she is such a cock hunter, what the fuck why isnt she over here with us?.. we can tell who her real friends are!

by sushnugh January 18, 2008

29👍 7👎


Blinging rings
Used to be worn by scrap merchants, now they are the latest fashion for chavs.
Argos will not let a chav down on a sovereign ring.
If chavs are lucky they will buy/steal a sovereign ring with a pound engraved on it!

a chav greeting is usually accompanied with a slack flick of the fingers. this garantees that no sovereign will go unnoticed

by sushnugh October 19, 2007

50👍 31👎