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German helicopter

during sex the male lays on his back as the female(or male it depens what your into)sits on the tip of the penis and slides up and down down in a circle

my boyfriend did the german helicopter

oooo you so lucky

by sweatyandready September 1, 2010

7👍 3👎

Tiger status

When some one has more women than they can handle. Cheats on thier girlfriend/wife for more than one women

"that guy has total tiger status"
"man I feel bad for rebecca her boy friend is tiger status

by sweatyandready May 2, 2010

Straight out of compton

"a replacment for nigger or just an insult to a whaite person or a compliment to a black person"

"man fuck you straight out of compton"
"that guy is straight out of compton"

by sweatyandready May 7, 2010

19👍 19👎


"one woman holds three penisus, one in each hand and one in her mouth, if done at opposite motions it appers to look like a pelican flying"

"that ho is damn goog at the pelican

by sweatyandready May 1, 2010

63👍 45👎

Type and tug

To type pornography on the internet and then masturbate to it .

"o god i type and tuged yesterday it was amazing"

by sweatyandready May 1, 2010

Vertical smile

"another word for vagina, pussy, whispering eye etc."

"I havent seen you in a while god damn i miss that mother fuking vertical smile"

by sweatyandready May 3, 2010

265👍 94👎

One eyed trouser trout

A longish creature that is said to live in the pants of a male (and some females)

Man look at that one eyed trouser trout

by sweatyandready June 29, 2010

13👍 6👎