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agree to disagree

An argument that one throws out in a debatable situation when they are tired of arguing, and do not want to admit that they are wrong, and the opposing view may be right.

Guy 1: God does not exist.
Guy 2: How do you know?
Guy 1: Because there is proof of such.
Guy 2: So in order for you to make this claim then you must have absolute proof that proof exist to disprove the existence of God.
Guy 1: Yes
Guy 2: Then you you must be God.
Guy 1: No, God does not exist.
Guy 2: but in order for you to say you have absolute proof to disprove the existence of God you must be omnipresent and all knowing to make such a claim. Are you any of those?
Guy 1: Well I just think that we should agree to disagree then.

by swillia9 November 4, 2011

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